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Friday, July 08, 2011

5 Foods that Keep You Thin

Take a look around any book store, and you'll find dozens of diet books lining the shelves. Despite their bright and cheerful covers, with their positive, upbeat claims, many of them are filled with information that promotes all the wrong messages.

"The word 'diet' is negative and implies people can go on and off them," said Jane Korsberg, a senior instructor in the department of nutrition at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland.

Korsberg is one nutritionist who thinks it would be better to re-think the whole concept of dieting.

"'Diet foods' are confusing to many people," she explained. "What diet is the 'diet food' geared for? Is it low-calorie, low-fat, low-sodium, low-sugar, gluten-free, et cetera?"

Besides, many of the foods that specifically target dieters seem to rarely satisfy. Take those 100-calorie snack packs, for example, made to help people control calories. Those often don't even work, Korsberg says. After all, few people actually stop at only one pack.

You don't need fancy plans or complicated point systems to be thin. All you need to do is make smart food choices, watch your portion sizes and stay active.

"Learning to eat properly for a lifetime is more beneficial," Korsberg said. "The emphasis should be on choosing healthful foods every day and changing lifestyles for the better."

So instead of sticking to diet fare, fill up on nutritious, wholesome foods. And if you need some recommendations, you can start with these five options, which are among the many delicious foods that make a good addition to healthy eating while keeping you slender.


Apples are a good source of dietary fiber. Dietary fiber not only contributes to a healthy digestive system and reduced cholesterol, but it also benefits smart eaters by yielding no calories while keeping them satisfied.

And there's something else about the fruit that might help you feel full. A study in the journal "Appetite" found that when women added either three apples or three pears to their daily meals, they lost more weight than people who added three oat cookies to their diets -- even though the fruit and the cookies contained the exact same amount of dietary fiber.

Although the reason behind this finding may be a mystery, there is something to be said for the findings. According to Alan Aragon, a nutritionist and author of "Girth Control: The Science of Fat Loss & Muscle Gain," crunchy foods in particular can trick a person into feeling fuller. The act of chewing may send satiety signals to your body, he says, making you think you've eaten more than you really have and keeping hunger at bay.


If you're looking for a tasty midday snack, a handful of almonds are a well-regarded option. A study in 2009 in "The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" found that women who ate nuts at least two times a week were more successful at keeping weight off than those who didn't eat this food.

One particular favorite among some nutritionists is almonds, says Aragon. One ounce of this food contains only 167 calories, plus it packs roughly 6 g of protein and 3 g of fiber, both nutrients that can make you feel full. Furthermore, like apples, almonds are crunchy and require a lot of chewing, so they, too, can make you feel like you've eaten more than you actually did and keep you fuller longer.


If you're uncertain about fish, there's no need to fear. Seafood can be part of a healthy diet. And there's some evidence that the fat in foods such as salmon can boost satiety levels, says Aragon. For example, a study published in the "International Journal of Obesity" found that when dieters ate salmon a few times a week, they lost about two more pounds than those who didn't include seafood in their meals.

And in spite of the mention of salmon's fat content, the food is relatively low in calories. One 3-oz. serving has just 175 calories. Salmon is a good source of protein as well.


There's no doubt that protein, like fiber, has impressive satiating powers. And while eggs seem to have a bad reputation in some circles, there can be no contesting their ability to help keep your weight in check.

Research has shown that eating eggs at breakfast can help you fight weight gain all day long. A study reported in 2008 in the "International Journal of Obesity" found that when dieters ate two eggs for breakfast for five days out of the week, they lost 65 percent more weight than dieters who consumed a bagel in the morning. Although protein is likely to fill you up whenever you eat it, some scientists suspect that having more in the morning can keep you feeling fuller all day long.


It's true that most veggies make for great diet fare. Non-starchy vegetables in particular, such as carrots, celery and spinach, are filled with fiber. Like other foods high in fiber, they can help keep you feeling satiated.

Plus, they're pretty self-regulating, says Aragon. You can't really overeat with nonstarchy vegetables. After all, how many baby carrots can a person eat without needing to dunk them in some ranch dressing?

So while there are many veggies that can help you stay slim, tomatoes might be a particularly good option because they're so tasty. And, besides, with that whole a-tomato-is-a-vegetable-no-it's-a-fruit argument, you might have forgotten all about eating them. One cup of cooked, red tomatoes contains just 43 calories, but tastes just as delicious as any number of high-calorie foods.

And that's at least half the secret, finding foods that are both healthy and tasty. The good thing is, they do exist. Over time, you'll discover what wholesome, filling foods you prefer, expanding your choices while shrinking your waistline.

By: Kristin McGrath

Thursday, July 07, 2011

Family Health: How to Help Your Children Stay Fit and Healthy

By Gina Michelle Francis

As a parent, we all know the importance of providing our children with the best possible start in life. But that isn't something that is confined to possessions; giving them a healthy lifestyle that encourages them to stay healthy is of much greater importance. But how is it done? These 10 steps should give you some pointers as to how you can do something productive about your family's health.

1. If you're children can't name more than three different vegetables, yet have a thorough knowledge of the menu of most takeaway restaurants, you need to make a change. There's nothing wrong with a takeaway once in a while, but keep it as an occasional treat and avoid it becoming a habit.

2. Ready meals aren't much better, so it's best to avoid them. Instead, find the time to prepare home-cooked, healthy meals for your family. Take it in turns with your partner, if possible. And if you don't yet have the culinary skills, why not take a cooking class or ask your relatives for tips and advice.

3. That may also require you to find new recipes to help your little ones stay healthy. There are many books, magazines, TV programmes and online portals that offer healthy family recipes for you to try. By introducing your family to new, healthy foods, you can expand their diet but ensure it doesn't just include fast food.

4. With each meal, why not introduce them to a new vegetable? Many people grow up being dismissive of certain foods without ever having tried them. By instilling a passion in your children for good food and encouraging them to try before deciding, they should grow up with a healthy outlook on what they eat.

5. These days, children can get borderline obsessed with computers and video games, but it can get in the way of more healthy pursuits, like playing football or riding bikes. By limiting the time your children are allowed to play on these technological wonders, you may be empowering them to be fit and healthy.

6. Whatever you do, when your children are young, don't put a TV in their room. Not only does it create anti-social behaviour, but like computers it could be having a negative impact on their health.

7. If you're guilty of living a lifestyle that's far from healthy, you could be setting a very bad example. As the most significant role model in your children's life, it's important that you don't walk in from work, put the TV on and sit down for the rest of the evening. Stay active and your children might just follow.

8. Take part in healthy activities together and it could lead to the whole family getting healthier. Why not take a bat and ball to the park or head to the local tennis courts together? Or, you could invest in bikes for the entire family and head to the local forestry to explore your surroundings.

9. Open up their world to new sports and hobbies and see if something takes their fancy. There are so many interesting pursuits, from popular options such as football and cricket to karate and ballet.

10. If they do find a new hobby or sport, make sure you encourage them but don't get pushy. It's important that your children make their own decisions and do it because they take pleasure from it.

Article Source:


How to Kickstart Monday Morning in Your Internet Business

by Paul Barrs

Remember those days when we used to have to get up to go to work, and ever Monday morning following after a great weekend we'd struggle to pull that tired old body up from under the covers and into the office or the factory or wherever it was that someone else was paying you to be?

Are you still there (maybe)?

I remember those days and if I remember correctly I could accurately say "they sucked"! You know, it's been nearly 15 years since I've had to *do that* for someone else; it's what you would call "living the dream baby."

The thing is, whilst the problem may be different, for many of us Monday Mornings are still the same - we just don't start the week the way we want to.

So here's what I'm doing this Monday morning; from it, I hope that you will glean some ideas of you can connect better with your business (your "people") and build a better income for yourself.

I started the day off with some light exercise. I never get into it too heavy in the mornings simply because this old body ain't what it used to be - but I understand a fit body builds a fit mind. The better shape my body is in day by day the better shape my mind is in and the better decisions I can make, products I can create and so on. It's a great way to start every day.

Next I sit down in my "thinking chair" (my old comfy lounge recliner) and pull out a new copy of my custom weekly "to-do" list.

But now, sitting in my chair I review last weeks' checklist and see if anything needs to be carried over. Then slowly, between measured sips of my morning brew I start to design my action list for the coming 5 days.

At the top of my list is a place for "Consulting / Coaching Clients". I have special place for these people as I am working with them directly; I create action plans for them and they go and do. If I say I'm going to *do* something for them I sure as hell don't want to forget - so at the top of my action plan for consulting / coaching is **check follow up list **.

Here's the thing... I have a great client management program on my computer. It handles details on prospecting, follow ups, action plans record keeping and so on. But truth is, no matter how darn wonderful the program is, it doesn't do squat if I don't "turn it on" and open it up! First thing on my "list" each and every day is to OPEN my follow up action planner...

90% of all potential business that a business could earn is LOST because if you don't FOLLOW-UP!

... which then leads to seeking out new "potential" business prospects, or 'prospecting' as it's called in the sales business. Here's the thing, to be successful in the running of any business, you need to determine where your "bread and butter" comes from. This is the income that you generate that pays your bills, your wages, and your staff. It's the stuff that no matter what happens in the economy, you're still going to have to pay it if you want to "keep your doors open".

This is your bread and butter income.

For me, my bread and butter is local business. It's been that way for 8 years and I'm sure will continue to be that way for 8 or more years to come. Whilst I don't always "actively peruse" local business 'business', I ALWAYS keep my finger in the pot; which for me means each month I make contact with a couple of dozen local business people and offer them free advice on how to improve their websites. Many times, this comes back to me as a job and revenue earned.

Remember; right now I'm just writing my list. It's Monday morning and I'll spend and hour writing my list while planning the week to come in my mind.

Next up I'll look at how I can make new connections in the 'internet world'. This week I'll be looking to communicate with my JV partners. I don't have any particular promotions on, so my goal is to simple "connect" with some of them; nothing more. I'm just looking to build the friendships.

Next on my custom list is Communication. Now whilst it may seem similar to Connections, I see communication more as keeping in touch in a general way with "my people" - you, whoever you are reading this; with my affiliates, with my members. It's vitally important to any business to communicate with your people and hopefully have them communicate back with you. It's always a good idea to ASK.

For me, writing this right now (and posting it to my Website) is one of my communication tasks for the week. I want to publish at least 2 personal posts and share with you what's happening in my business.

The last two areas of my own custom list are Creation and Content.

These two can often go together but usually they will begin with the creation of a some product (be it a full seminar, a special report or brandible eBook), which is then followed by making content which is then published on one or more of my websites.

But all in all, everything works together. This week I will complete the creation of another special report. Once that is done, I will then communicate with my affiliates that a new brandable report is available for them to help them with promotions. If I wanted to (though I won't be this week), I could also create a mini-seminar or video series based on the content of the book and publish it to YouTube, or to my video blog...

... as a matter of fact, there's an idea... I was recently contact by a new JV partner who asked if I could create some content slides for him with which he would then create some custom videos for me in a joint venture share arrangement. I could EASILY create some slides based on the subject matter of the book I was talking about a moment ago -

Better go write that on to my list!

Then of course, once it's done I can then connect with my own JV partners and share the content with them. I could also communicate the message in another post....

Do you see how this works?

By the end of my first hour on Monday morning do you think I'm going to be suffering any "Monday Morning Blues"? Hell no! I'm pumped! I'm looking at my list and thinking, "OK, there's too much for me to do here, how much can I outsource?"

And the week begins.

You see, the thing is, the running of a successful business doesn't always involve "selling of product"; yes, you NEED a product to sell to generate income, but once that's up, the most important thing you can do is start communicating with people - talking to them - not trying to "sell" them.

What are you waiting for? Go to it!

Article Source:


Sunday, April 24, 2011

How To Start a Home Business - 10 Tips

1. Create a business plan

Don't be afraid to make plans. You may end up completely re-writing them as your business develops, but you should always have a roadmap. You can easily download a business plan template online to help kick-start the process.

2. Designate a workspace

Working from home can be a huge challenge with the distractions of daily life. It's important to designate a workspace that is quiet, efficient, and inspiring for you. Take time to plan the space. Find furniture and supplies to help make the most of your space. Create a system of organization that makes sense to you. Decorate your work area so that it is a place you enjoy being in.

3. Set a work schedule

It's so much easier to procrastinate when you work from home. Don't do it! Set a schedule and stick to it. This is your business, so don't be afraid to develop an offbeat schedule, if you need to. Work evenings, if that's easier. Give yourself Wednesdays and Saturdays off, rather than the traditional weekend. Whatever schedule you choose, be sure to hold yourself to it.

4. Use a calendar

So, you are the boss now. You have to be organized. Take the time to set daily, monthly, and even yearly goals for yourself. Always be aware of the task at hand, with an eye toward the tasks that are approaching. Using a calendar is the best way to ensure you will stay on track.

5. Develop your branding

Be aware that your business name and image will (and should) become synonymous with everything you do. A great business name and image will help draw people in, and brand recognition will bring them back for more. If you are not design-savvy, it is well worth the investment to find a pro graphic designer to help you create an artwork set. There are many independent creative professionals on who offer affordable rates and a unique design eye.

6. Blogging and Social Networking

Blogging and social networking are great ways to get the word out about your business. This can also help to build links for search engines to find you. Try to focus on updating 1 blog regularly and using 2-3 social networking sites to start. It's better to pay special attention to a few sites, rather than opening up a bunch of accounts and never using them. In addition, you should always remember that your post activity represents your business. Be polite, be professional, offer your original perspective, promote others and please don't spam us.

7. Be aware your business vs. personal finances

Registering your business as a sole proprietorship does not mean you shouldn't have a separate sense of your business and personal finances. Always have a clear understanding of living expenses when making plans for the business. There is no worse feeling than realizing you've spent your grocery money on office supplies or vice versa. Consider using computer finance software such as Quicken Home & Business, so that you always have a clear picture of your financial situation.

8. Find cost efficient ways to advertise

You don't have to spend $1,000's on an advertising campaign. Determine who your target market is and go where they are. Wise use of blogging, social networking sites, forums and chat rooms will take you a long way. When it's time to spend money, buy a printer so you can create your own business cards and targeted fliers. Offer discounts on your goods in exchange for links, bulk orders, or repeat customers. Create custom button pins, magnets, stickers to give away as promotional gifts. Use that business ingenuity to get the word out about your business without spending an arm and a leg.

9. Pay yourself

In the age of Wal-Mart and Target, people are used to cheap goods for cheap prices. New business owners may be tempted to under value their products and services to keep up with Target prices. Don't do it! Everyone deserves to get paid for the work they do. To price your products, just calculate time plus labor. It's that simple.

10. Accept help

Running a home business can be overwhelming, but you don't have to do it completely on your own. It's ok to ask for help when you need it. Whether it's a family member, a friend, or if you have to put up a flier at the local post office to seek an extra pair of hands, allow yourself to get the help needed. Finding menial tasks that someone else can do will allow you more time for creating advanced strategies.

Article Source:


How To Start A Scrap Metal Recycling Company

The scrap metal business is booming even in this sluggish economy. If you are considering going into this business, there are three priorities that you must look at first.

1. Where will the accumulated metal be stored?

2. How will you ensure the holding areas safety?

3. How will you get your metal?

You need the answers to these three questions solved before beginning the business. The name is not as important as the job itself but just so you know these types of businesses are known by many different names. You may call it recycling, scrap yard, and waste metal recycling, wrecking yard and many others.

No matter what you choose to call yours there are some basics that you need to follow. It is a hand on type of business if getting dirty leaves you squeamish this is not for you. You will have to handle the product no matter its condition. You should have all the safety procedures in place before you start scrapping.

Now that you have all of that taken care of it is time to concentrate on how you are going to get the scrape for recycling. Scrap metal is collected from old automobiles, buildings, any surplus metal can be recycled. This is one thing that is in great demand because for manufacturers it is a cheaper source of metal than buying it pure from the ore.

The collection process can be of several types. A lot of people just want to get rid of what they see as useless junk. You can have a business that allows people to drop off their old metal objects for free. Or pay a small fee for the items. You can get items for free if you offer a hauling service as a part of your business. You can also go on salvage runs yourself. Either way you spend very little in a business that can mean huge profits.

The collection process can be of several types. A lot of people just want to get rid of what they see as useless junk. You can have a business that allows people to drop off their old metal objects for free. Or pay a small fee for the items. You can get items for free if you offer a hauling service as a part of your business. You can also go on salvage runs yourself. Either way you spend very little in a business that can mean huge profits.

Some businesses, like junkyards, resell car parts. Some pull and separate the parts for the customers but a lot of them now are using the self pull method. They will allow you to enter browse and remove the part yourself. This is done with a signed waiver of liability. Scrap metal is sold by weight not by the piece. This is important to know when starting your own business. Weight doesn't leave room for error.

These are the basics of starting a scrap business. As long as you pay strict attention to the possibility for physical injury your business should thrive. You must also be aware that some of the junk that comes in may be caustic or even toxic have this type of gear available and first aid for any contingency.

Article Source:


Saturday, April 23, 2011

Insurable and Non-Insurable Risks

When we talk of insurance, we are referring to risks in all forms. Hence, having for an insurance policy is just a way of sharing our risks with other people with similar risks. However, while some risks can be insured (i.e. insurable risks), some cannot be insured according to their nature (i.e. non-insurable risks).

Insurable Risks

Insurable risks are the type of risks in which the insurer makes provision for or insures against because it is possible to collect, calculate and estimate the likely future losses. Insurable risks have previous statistics which are used as a basis for estimating the premium. It holds out the prospect of loss but not gain. The risks can be forecast and measured e.g. motor insurance, marine insurance, life insurance etc.

This type of risk is the one in which the chance of occurrence can be deduced, from the available information on the frequency of similar past occurrence. Examples of what an insurable risk is as explained:

Example1: The probability (or chance) that a certain vehicle will be involved in an accident in year 2011 (out of the total vehicle insured that year 2011) can be determined from the number of vehicles that were involved in accidents in each of some previous years (out of the total vehicle insured those years).

Example2: The probability (or chance) that a man (or woman) of a certain age will die in the ensuring year can be estimated by the fraction of people of that age that died in each of some previous years.

Non-insurable Risks

Non-insurable risks are type of risks which the insurer is not ready to insure against simply because the likely future losses cannot be estimated and calculated. It holds the prospect of gain as well as loss. The risk cannot be forecast and measured.

Example1: The chance that the demand for a commodity will fall next year due to a change in consumers' taste will be difficult to estimate as previous statistics needed for it may not be available.

Example 2: The chance that a present production technique will become obsolete or out-of-date by next year as a result of technological advancement.

Other examples of non-insurable risks are:

1. Acts of God: All risks involving natural disasters referred to as acts of God such as

a. Earthquake

b. War

c. Flood

It should be noted that any building, property or life insured but lost during an occurrence of any act of God (listed above) cannot be compensated by an insurer. Also, this non-insurability is being extended to those in connection with radioactive contamination.

2. Gambling: You cannot insure your chances of losing a gambling game.

3. Loss of profit through competition: You cannot insure your chances of winning or losing in a competition.

4. Launching of new product: A manufacturer launching a new product cannot insure the chances of acceptability of the new product since it has not been market-tested.

5. Loss incurred as a result of bad/inefficient management: The ability to successfully manage an organization depends on many factors and the profit/loss depends on the judicious utilization of these factors, one of which is efficient management capability. The expected loss in an organization as a result of inefficiency cannot be insured.

6. Poor location of a business: A person situating a business in a poor location must know that the probability of its success is slim. Insuring such business is a sure way of duping an insurer.

7. Loss of profit as a result of fall in demand: The demand for any product varies with time and other factors. An insurer will never insure based on expected loss due to decrease in demand.

8. Speculation: This is the engagement in a venture offering the chance of considerable gain but the possibility of loss. A typical example is the action or practice of investing in stocks, property, etc., in the hope of profit from a rise or fall in market value but with the possibility of a loss. This cannot be insured because it is considered as a non-insurable risk.

9. Opening of a new shop/office: The opening of a new shop is considered a non-insurable risk. You don't know what to expect in the operation of the new shop; it is illogical for an insurer to accept in insuring a new shop for you.

10. Change in fashion: Fashion is a trend which cannot be predicted. Any expected change in fashion cannot be insured. A fashion house cannot be insured because the components of the fashion house may become outdated at any point in time.

11. Motoring offenses: You cannot obtain an insurance policy against expected fines for offenses committed while on wheels.

However, it should be noted that there is no clear distinction between insurable and non-insurable risks. Theoretically, an insurance company should be ready to insure anything if a sufficiently high premium would be paid. Nevertheless, the distinction is useful for practical purposes.

Article Source:

Friday, October 15, 2010

Asset Allocation Vs Diversification

Astute investors realize the appeal of finding investment options that do not move in step with one another. Over time, we expect the stock market to increase in value, albeit with short-term fluctuations. Ideally, it would be great to identify an investment that increased in value when stocks faltered which would smooth out the volatility in a portfolio.

Traditionally, there are several asset categories that have this type of relationship: stocks and bonds, US stocks and international stocks, large cap stocks and small cap stocks, etc. Over time, the strength of the correlations between these asset classes has varied. To avoid having all your investment eggs in one basket, it is important to have appropriate asset allocation and diversification strategies, and to understand the difference between the two.

Asset allocation is the most basic and important component of investing. An asset allocation is simply the percentage of your portfolio invested in stocks, bonds, and cash. Your asset allocation is the primary determinate of how risky your investment portfolio is. Stocks are the most aggressive investment, bonds are a middle-of-the-road option, and cash is the safest way to invest your money. Of course, the higher the risk of your portfolio, the higher the return you should expect.

Asset allocation, not market timing or asset selection, will account for approximately 92% of your investment return. An appropriate allocation that matches your risk tolerance will help you obtain the rate of return necessary to achieve your investment goals while limiting volatility so you can sleep at night.

A well-devised asset allocation does not ensure you are appropriately diversified, however. For example, if you have determined that you should have 60% of your investments in stocks, you shouldn't invest that full 60% in one stock. In fact, you shouldn't have the bulk of your investments in the same asset category (large cap, mid cap, small cap, international, growth, or value).

To be adequately diversified you should have representation in each of the major asset categories. Further, you should own at least 50 stocks in each category. (Owning a large amount of your employer's stock in your 401k is a common way of breaking this rule.) This steps will prevent your portfolio from plummeting due to the performance of one under-performing stock.

Diversification applies not only to stocks, but also to the bond side of your portfolio. Many people invest solely in U.S. corporate bonds, but they should be rounding out their portfolio and reducing risk by also investing in U.S. Government bonds and international bonds.

If done properly, determining an asset allocation that is right for you will help ensure your portfolio is correctly positioned on the risk-return continuum. Diversification is an additional step that spreads your investment bets across various asset classes to prevent your entire portfolio from suffering losses all at once. Incorporating both strategies will lessen the volatility in your portfolio and increase your chances of reaching your investment goals.

by Lon Jefferies


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