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Thursday, February 26, 2009

5 Organizing Tips to Simplify Bill Paying by Marilyn Bohn

When the weather is cold I love turning up the furnace. I am glad I wasn't a pioneer because I love my electric blanket and warm showers. In the summer it is nice to step into our home and feel the cool air when it is hot outside. But having heat and air conditioning means there is a bill to pay for these services. Bill paying can be an arduous task. Here are 5 organizing tips to simplify bill paying.

When the mail comes sort through it using my 4-D Plan. These aren't in any particular order; it depends on what piece of mail you pick up first.

1. Delegate-if it isn't your mail hand it off to the person who received it.

2. Do-if it is something that can be done in less than 2 minutes and you have the time right then, do it. This could be to RSVP for an event or make an appointment for the dentist that you received a reminder for.

3. Deliver-if it is something that is going to take more time; put it in a folder or in a basket on your desk for you to take action on when you have more time.

4. Done-when a bill arrives put it in the folder in your filing system labeled Bills to Pay. You don't have to take any action until the day you have set to pay your bills.

I recommend paying bills on line. Set up a bill paying system through your financial institution. It is fast, easy and secure. Instead of getting paper invoices from utility and other companies ask them to send you paperless invoices. Make a folder for these bills and move the invoice to the folder until your scheduled bill paying day.

You can also have bill paying set up automatically. The financial institution will automatically withdraw and pay the amount you have designated to the specific vendor.

If you receive paper invoices here are 5 organizing tips to simplify bill paying:

1. After you have separated your bills from your other mail the first step is to place the pending bills in the Bills to Pay folder. This process is done both with paper received in the mail or with notification emails received.

2. Calendar specific days you are going to pay the bills each month. Most of the time bills that arrive don't have to be paid immediately.

3. Keep all of your bill paying essentials together. This will save you time and make it effortless. Some supplies to have are: your check book, envelopes, stamps, pens, pencils, a calculator, and return address labels.

4. As soon as you pay each bill, immediately record the payment in your check register or computer software register.

5. Mark your invoice with the date and amount paid. Clip all paid bills together and either make a folder Bills Paid or put them in the Bills to Pay folder. Because they are clipped together they won't get mixed up with the other bills that are pending.

Keep these paid invoices for one month. When you receive your bill the next month it is convenient for you to reconcile any question on payment. Then you can throw away the old bills that have been paid. If you need them for tax purposes, file them in your tax folder.

Bill paying will probably never be pleasant but with these simple organizing tips bill paying can be organized and less of a hassle.

About Author

Marilyn is a creative organizer who has been organizing for over 20 years. She is a member of the National Association of Professional Organizers and is working towards becoming a Certified Professional Organizer. Professionally she has been organizing homes and offices for two years. She holds a bachelors degree in Social Work. She has reared five daughters and currently lives in Utah.


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