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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Reasons For Hair Loss

by Bronwyn Stringer

Do either of your parents have a history of baldness? If so, then you too may be at risk for hair loss. According to studies, the leading cause for hair loss in both men and women is known as male pattern baldness or female pattern baldness. This form of baldness is usually identified by hair loss in the front of the scalp that moves steadily to the back and top of the head.

Male pattern baldness usually starts with a receding hairline and thinning hair. Female pattern baldness usually starts by a general thinning of the hair. The thinning becomes more noticeable in the back of the head rather than along the hairline. Bad hereditary luck is not the only reason for hair loss. A condition known as trichotillomania, or compulsive hair pulling, is known to cause hair loss. This condition usually targets whatever part of the scalp is being pulled on. This condition is usually not cause for serious alarm. Simply stop pulling on the affected areas and the hair will begin to grow back.

A slightly more serious and long-term hair loss condition is known as scarring alopecia. Certain hairstyles can put someone at risk for scarring alopecia. Tight braids, for example, around the scalp can cause excess tension and eventually lead the hair to fall out. Constant pressure on the hair follicles leads to inflammation and eventually to scarring.

Other reasons for hair loss include medical treatments. Certain prescription drugs are known to cause hair loss in a small percentage of individuals. Blood thinners and certain medications for heart conditions are two of the leading types medications that can result in hair loss.

Another medically related treatment that causes hair loss is chemotherapy. Most of the drugs used in chemotherapy cause hair cells to stop dividing. The hair becomes thin and breaks off as it pushes through the follicles. Although the patient is likely to lose all of their hair when on chemotherapy, it generally does not contribute to any long-term hair loss. When treatment is over, the hair will grow back.

There are many types of infections that cause hair loss. Ringworm is probably the most common fungal hair loss infection in children. It is a fairly contagious infection and can be identified by small circular patches on the scalp. The skin where the hair is infected is replaced by pink scaly looking skin. The treatment for this infection is anti-fungal cream applied directly to the infected areas. The condition is usually cleared up within 2-3 weeks of treatment.

About Author:

Bronwyn Stringer, the proud owner of the promises to provide day to day information about hair loss for the people with hair loss challenge. Click on any of the list of links provided in the website by identifying the ones that apply to the personal hair loss issue. For lots more unique tips about Hair loss Cures, visit the website


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