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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

7 Tips For Working Smarter Not Harder at Work

Do you go home at night only to think of the 6 million things that you should-have, could-have, would-have done at work today had you not been constantly interrupted or sidetracked?

My motto - Work Smarter, Not Harder! If we use our time wisely than we will be able to accomplish what we need to do and we can decrease the number of times we wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat stressing about what needs to get done or what we have forgotten to do.

Are you ready to be more productive at work? Here are 7 tips that are sure to increase your productivity at work.

1. Get enough rest. No, this is not your mother nagging you, but it is important to be well rested. You will be a lot more efficient and effective if you are well rested and can stay focused.
2. Make a to-do list. It has been said that our brain can only retain about 6 things at a time. My guess is you have a lot more than 6 things going on at work (let alone at home). Write it down! Make a habit of updating your to-do list before you leave work every day. This allows you to do a brain dump of all the misc. things rattling around in your head.
3. Create an effective filing system. A filing system is no good if you file something and later cannot find it. Determine what type of filing system works for you (alpha, numeric, etc.) and go from there. Before you file ask yourself, "If I were going to look for this file again, where would I look?" Keep is simple and sensible.
4. Limit your socializing. Do you enjoy the company at work? Many of us do, but remember, for every minute you are catching up with your colleagues, you are wasting precious work time, which can force you to spend more time at work and less time enjoying other areas of your life. Gather your colleagues for a break or lunch and catch up then.
5. Stop multi-tasking. For starters, it does not work! Have you ever tried to carry on a phone conversation, AND reply to someone's email, just to find that you are making typo mistakes, or not understanding your caller? You will accomplish more (and limit mistakes) if you stop multi-tasking.
6. Take a break. That is right! We all know how intense work can be. A quick break to stretch your legs, or grab a snack can help you to refresh and refocus.
7. Limit your interruptions. Yes, you can actually limit your interruptions, without being rude. A simple, "Thanks for stopping by to chat, but I have to get back to this report in order to get it out by lunch. I will catch up with you later" can help end an interruption without coming off cold.

Whether you are an employee, manager, or self employed, productivity is a high priority for those that want continued success. Remember to Work Smarter, Not Harder!

by Michelle Poteet

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