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Thursday, September 03, 2009

Free Computer

Like many others, I always want a free computer. The best part is that you really can get one online today! I know that many people will say that these are scams, that these do not work, and that people are selling themselves to be let down. This is all untrue. I know, I am typing this article using my free laptop computer.

Maybe you have a physical ailment and therefore disabled and cannot work. Maybe you are a college student, a kid, a teacher, unemployed, or maybe you just don't make enough money to buy one. No matter what the issue is, you can get everything for free online. One time I even bet my own brother that within 2 months, I would have a free computer in his lap. If he won, I lost an hour of my time, If I won, he would give me $100 dollars and would keep the laptop. 4 weeks later, I was one hundred dollars richer.

To receive a computer, and quickly, and for nothing, I recommend you to check out freebie type websites. These are sites that take in customer reviews, feedback, and general survey questions. So you may now be wondering, well, how do they make money in order to give away free products? Well, that is easy. Do you think businesses such as HP, or Dell just sell laptops to everyone? No, they surely do not. They study demographics and they find a lot of this information from these types of sites. I recommend you to check them out today!

So you want that computer today, don't you? The easiest way is to check out Free Computer and What are you waiting for??

- by Kelsie Polsier -

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