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Thursday, April 02, 2009

5 Powerful Steps To Change Mindset & Instantly Increase Productivity

by Justin Noertker
Productivity is the KEY to succeeding in business as well as in life. Even if you put many hours into your work, if you do so unproductively, then you can expect to achieve poor results, if any results at all. Why is this? Well, let me assure you that you already know the answer.

Productive work requires that you take action while you are in a positive state of mind that perfectly coalesces with the action you are taking. This means that you are laser focused in your mind on the action that you are taking while you are in the process of doing so. Your thoughts are unwavering in their intention to create the best possible creation that you can. You are not distracted, you are not bored, and you are not worrying if you should be taking this action to begin with. Lastly, you are having fun doing what you're doing. It puts a positive twist on your day.

When the actions that you take are accompanied by a negative mindset, your productivity will absolutely go down. This is simply because you will begin thinking about other things. Your attention to your action deteriorates. When this happens, the action that you are taking becomes less powerful, less focused, and less productive. In addition, you have unknowingly begun a negative trend that will directly affect future action in a negative manner. It is simply the way it works.

There is a certain series of thoughts that we all have going on in our head. These thoughts are different for each of us, but they are very familiar and specific to us. They are familiar because we tend to think them all the time. It is like a movie reel playing the same scenes again and again. Over and over, day after day, we think these same thoughts. When we think unproductive thoughts often, it will cause us to often act in an unproductive manner. The opposite is also true. That is why it is so important to pay attention to your thoughts and take charge of them to fit into your mold of what you really want to be thinking...positive and productive thoughts.

So, when it comes to productivity there is no single thing more important than for you to begin paying attention to what you are thinking while you're taking action. Here are 5 simple and powerful steps for you to take to begin changing your mindset and increasing your productivity.

Make A List: Make a list of the unproductive thoughts that you find yourself thinking on a daily basis. Be honest with yourself. Nobody will judge you because nobody other than yourself will see this list. Be thorough and specific.

Expand Your List: Take your list of thoughts and expand on each one by asking the following questions: Why do I think this thought? What does this thought do to my overall general attitude? What is a better thought that I can think to replace this one?

Burn the Bridges: Put the negative and unproductive thoughts deeply into the past. Realize that you may have had them at one time, but that does not in any way mean that you are destined to have them again. You have the choice of what to think. Make the choice to think positively and productively!

Make New Habits: Building new habits is as easy as deciding to do so. A habit is simply a thought translated into action over and over. So to make new habits, take your new and more productive thoughts into mind and act them out. It's that simple.

Promise Yourself: Make a promise to yourself that each time you catch yourself thinking one of those negative and unproductive thoughts you will realize it, remember that you've found a way past it, and take the mental action required to again put it in the past, burn the bridge, and rejuvenate the strength of your new, more productive, habit.

Get ahead of your competitors by learning things that they simply are not learning. Your mindset has more to do with your success than any other single thing or action that you take.

>>> About the Author
Justin is an experienced online marketer and also spends much of his time helping others in their success through coaching, e-books, and articles.


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