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Friday, October 02, 2009

Three Simple Ways to Become a Better Leader Today

Old leadership model - A great hero, charismatic and influential, able to take a group and spur them on towards the attainment of their goals. Think of old army leaders, sat their horses, facing their troops before battle to give them one last motivational boost.

This 'heroic' paradigm, only slightly exaggerated here, is what influence business books, courses and practice starting from around the 70s. But the times, as they say, they are a-changing, and new paradigms are now focused around balancing efficiency and productivity with a concern for the needs of the followers.

Problems with the old model

What if the heroic leader doesn't turn out to be all that heroic? Self-serving individuals can cause all manner of havoc, particularly if they are in leadership positions, and even more so in senior leadership positions. Scandals such as Enron have been ascribed by some people to the arrogance of the executives.

Also, leadership does not reside within one or two individuals, in any but the smallest collaborative organisations. There may be a finite amount of leadership to go around, but this is spread throughout the group, and thinking otherwise can hinder productive collaboration, and as Roger Martin notes, cause followers to become under-responsible in their roles.

New Perspectives

Recent research in leadership has offered some new suggestions for effective leadership. These include:

1. Value Individuals - Leaders must be aware of their follower's needs which includes being aware of their stage of development and offering support and and appropriate level of challenge for them to learn and grow, perhaps into leaders themselves.

2. Acting with Integrity - According to Gallup, what followers look for the most in their leader is trust, compassion, stability and hope. This means openness and honesty, and an evenhanded way of dealing with followers.

3. Leverage your talents - There is no one perfect mould of a leader; rather, leaders have knowledge of their own leadership strengths, and they are able to leverage by finding way to apply their own strengths, and building a team around those talents they lack.

This new paradigm is emerging from research in the UK and the US. The idea of the heroic leader, although perfect material for Hollywood, is not the most effective way to capitalise on the talent within an organisation. The new models allow for stronger collaboration and a better working environment, allowing staff to learn and grow, as well, of course, as keeping due focus on the bottom line.

by Warren Davies
Warren Davies is a psychology student, about to take the masters in applied positive psychology at UEL. His website,, contains more articles explaining psychology in plain English, as well as practical advice that has come out of this field. Updated regularly, there are currently over 60 articles online - visit now to check them out!


Outsourcing Your Facebook Strategies

Facebook is the 12th largest website on the Internet. With over 175 million active users, it can be a promotional tool that can bring a worldwide presence to your business that was unheard of just a few years ago. The Internet is constantly changing and growing...what can this mean to your business? Do you have the knowledge to make the most from these social networking sites and do you have the time?

When you think of outsourcing, you think of billing, admin tasks, call center staffing and data mining. But a new kind of outsourcing firm has emerged. Not only a firm that saves you money on labor costs, but one that partners with your business to help it grow. One that utilizes the Internet to connect with millions of prospective customers that you sorely need to compete in this emerging worldwide business arena. With the more competitive economy, you can no longer ignore any avenue that will create a solid presence in your market.

When you think of Facebook, you probably think of school kids sharing photos of their prom dance. But like anything that harnesses the attention of 175 million users, savvy Internet marketers are using Facebook to create a powerful online strategy to promote their business. These strategies include uploading videos to show their products, networking with like minded prospects and creating pages that encourage good customer service and branding to keep your business image fresh and in the forefront of customer's minds. These tasks are not particularly difficult to perform with the proper training and quite easily turned over to an outsourcing firm.

The outsourcing firm you choose makes all the difference in whether or not you are utilizing the Internet to it's fullest potential. Make sure that when you are researching an overseas rep that they are well trained in social networking. This is where your customers are spending their time...nearly everyday. Building an online image for your business is not as difficult as it can be time consuming. Labor costs for Internet marketing duties can be an issue and finding the trained personnel can be an issue as well. The right outsourcing firm can solve both these problems. You just have to know where to look.

You can find outsourcing tips in my new book "Outsource This!" Check it out.

by Daven Michaels
Daven Michaels is an award-winning outsourcer and author of the book, "Outsource This!" Daven has been honored more than any other individual or outsourcing organization. You can get more information on outsourcing by visiting http://www.OutsourcingOutsourcing.Com


Do You Want to Lose 10 Pounds in Two Weeks and Keep it Off? You Can!

If you want to lose 10 pounds in two weeks, you can. However, to do so, you're going to have to know specific information that will help you succeed. If you want to lose 10 pounds fast, you'll need to know how things work first.

First of all, if you begin to lose the weight on your own, you may have short-term success, but over the long haul, you're probably going to fail. Why? Well, before we talk about that, let's ask this question: Has this worked for you before? If you've failed previously, you don't have to this time. There are some steps you can follow so that you can reach your goal and lose 10 pounds fast without having to work too hard. We'll talk about that in just a minute.

Get realistic with your weight loss goals

Most important of these is that you have to be realistic. Usually, people can lose 10 pounds in two weeks, true, but they do so in such a way that they can actually hurt their metabolisms. It's true that they may lose the weight, but they'll probably gain it back very quickly -- and gain even more. There are lots of gimmicks out there, lots of new weight loss programs that promise that you can lose 10 pounds fast, but most of them don't work. You are simply shelling out your hard-earned cash for nothing more than informational garbage.

Can you really stick to these methods? In fact, most of these regimens are so unrealistic that you can't live by them for the long-term. After awhile, you are going to get tired of the diet and your hunger (and boredom) is going to drive you to go back to the "tried-and-true," which is to eat too much and not exercise enough, if at all. So if you want to lose 10 pounds in two weeks, you need something that's easier, something that you can actually do, and something that's going to produce results.

Start a weight loss program that is doable and stick-at-able

If you've tried out fad diets before, or if you've maybe even tried popping a diet pill here and there, I have a question for you. Why aren't you still on that same diet or taking those same pills? And because you're not satisfied, you go from diet to diet to diet, thinking that "this time" is going to be the charm. You don't see any lasting results, and so you keep looking.

What you want is weight loss that's going to be long lasting; people everywhere are looking for it. If the truth be told, you've probably been successful at losing weight at least once in your life. Problem is, this shouldn't just be a "tease," or only to have the weight come right back. There's a better way to go about things, and we'll talk about that in just a minute.

Lose weight naturally

What if there was a way to lose belly fat naturally? This is real and not too good to be true. It really doesn't get any better than that. The bottom line is that we all know what it takes to lose weight. Losing a specific amount of weight in a short amount of time is going to take skill and knowledge. But not as much as you may think, these tips and tricks are easy to learn and stick to over a long period of time.

So if you want to lose 10 pounds fast, read on. You're not going to find these tips anywhere else. They're simple and easy to follow, and they work. You can lose 10 pounds in two weeks -- and keep them off, too.

by John GilbertGrant
JohnGG can help you attain your perfect weight. Take the free Weight Loss Survey and get his free report and .mp3 'The 4 Essential Factors for Weight Loss' plus Weight Loss Tips.


How to Use Keywords to Position Your Articles

The greater the number of articles in circulation, the more exposure you will receive, however you always want to focus on producing high quality content, rather than just on the quantity that is being distributed between these networks.

Submitting an article to an article directory would get it on the internet. That part is what's correct. But, it won't mean that the article will actually get viewed, and it also won't mean that people will click the backlink.

Thus, when talking about positioning your articles, it essentially means positioning them in the relevant searches, so that they're more likely to be found by the right people.

You can include your keyword in your title. Article directories will often use your title text in their HTML tag for the page...which will help you rank better on Google for that keyword

Keywords are important - that can't be stressed enough. Considering that search engines are still the primary way in which people look for anything on the internet, it means that people who are looking for things in whatever niche you're in, are going to be doing so on search engines.

Basic keyword research is really pretty easy, and there isn't too much about it that even a beginner can't come to grips with. Seeing as Google is the most popular search engine around, getting data from it seems to be a logical place to begin.

When conducting keyword research, there are three considerations in particular that play an important role:

1. Number of Searches

Quite literally, this is just the number of searches per month. If a term has a high number of searches, it means lots of people are looking for it, which definitely makes it a better choice.

2. Competition

Once you have a keyword that has a decent amount of searches, plug it into Google and search for it. When you get the results, take note of how many there are. For instance, if there are 11,800,000 results, then that means a lot of people are competing for that keyword.

On the other hand, if you end up with something like 1,800 results, then there are very few competing websites.

3. Profitability

Not all traffic is as profitable, and sometimes, for certain keywords, the traffic that is obtained just refuses to be converted. While there are a lot of factors that can affect this, it isn't too relevant as far as keyword research is concerned.

Instead, it is better to know just one simple test of the 'profitability' of a keyword.

Insert keywords in such a way that they flow smoothly through the article, and follow the 1% to 3% keyword density rule closely. For each article, it is generally advisable to have one 'short' keyword of about 2 to 3 words, and two 'long' keywords of 4 or more words.

Wahyu Tan specializes in teaching new internet marketers how to set up highly profitable marketing campaigns and heavily monetized websites using the power of FREE resources.

by Wahyu Tan


3D Model Buildings and 3D Interior Design - Making Buildings Better

Imagine that you want to make your building better than others in an effective manner. Then you will need something to make you very clear about how to build your proposed building structure. If you have some kind of template or sample of your building well before it gets constructed, then it becomes a lot easier for you to achieve your goal - "a better and impressive building". 3D model buildings and 3D interiors design for buildings are the best suitable option for you to do this.

3D model buildings - as the name indicates are set of 3D models prepared from different angles and dimensions of any building structure. They represent a 3D object of a building by taking into consideration various geometrical entities and rules. 3D models buildings are made with focusing heavily on different factors like width, height, breadth, lines, surface with curves of building components.

Such 3D models buildings are really helpful in most of the following areas:

• 3d architectural models
• roof 3d model
• 3D interior building modeling
• 3D exterior building modeling
• 3D building architectural models and products
• Various types of buildings such as commercial, residential, industrial buildings are using such 3D models buildings effectively

3D interior design is also important for better building construction. Use of proper 3D interiors designs of your proposed building structure will not only make your building attractive but also will give you various ideas about your building interiors. These 3D interior design services are used in:

• interior design rendering
• interior architectural design
• interior design furniture
• Office interiors
• Interior house design

So there is no doubt that if you use 3D models buildings and 3D interior design for constructing your building, then your building will definitely be as impressive as you would have liked.

by Bobby V Smith

Tahu Gejrot, Tahunya Urang Cirebon (urang Cirebon atanapi urang Kuningan??? -red)

Jakarta - Kini tak sulit mencari tahu gejrot di Jakarta. Tak hanya namanya yang unik, tahu goreng yang dipotong-potong dan diguyur kuah sambal kecoklatan yang rasanya pedas dan gurih ini benar-benar poll enaknya. Jangan heran kalau seporsi saja tak pernah cukup!

Salah satu makanan khas orang Cirebon ini (Cirebon apa Kuningan??? hehe -red) memiliki nama yang cukup unik yaitu tahu gejrot. Meskipun tak jelas darimana asal mula nama tersebut bermula tetapi berkat rasanya yang enak dan khas membuatnya cukup populer. Tak hanya di Cirebon sana melainkan di Jakarta dan kota-kota lainnya di Indonesia.

Yang menjadikan tahu gejrot merupakan makanan yang unik dan disukai adalah bahan-bahan dan bumbu racikannya. Pertama bahan dasar tahu yang digunakan bukanlah sembarang tahu melainkan tahu khusus yang didatangkan dan dibuat dari Cirebon. Tahu kulit ini rasanya tawar dan teksturnya sedikit kasar berbeda dengan tahu Sumedang.

Selain irisan tahu ada kuah sambal yang diracik dengan sejumlah bumbu seperti garam, bawang merah, bawang putih, gula merah dan cabai rawit. Kesemuanya di uleg kasar dalam wadah seperti cobek mungil dari tanah liat lalu ditambahkan air yang sudah dicampur kecap dan gula aren.

Tahu yang telah dipotong dua kemudian disiramkan oleh kuah sambal. Nah, kuah kecoklatan yang meresap dalam tahu inilah yang membuat rasanya sangat nikmat. Belom lagi sensasi pedas gerusan cabai rawit yang menyetrum lidah... wuihh dijamin bikin ketagihan. Untuk menikmatinya tahu gejrot ini tidak menggunakan sendok melainkan sebatang lidi kecil untuk menusuk tahu.

Di Jakarta tahu gejrot biasanya dijual di warung dan rumah makan gaya Cirebon dengan harga sekitar Rp 5000,00 - Rp 7000,00 saja. Gimana, tertarik untuk mencicipi tahu gejrot sore ini?



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