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Friday, October 02, 2009

Do You Want to Lose 10 Pounds in Two Weeks and Keep it Off? You Can!

If you want to lose 10 pounds in two weeks, you can. However, to do so, you're going to have to know specific information that will help you succeed. If you want to lose 10 pounds fast, you'll need to know how things work first.

First of all, if you begin to lose the weight on your own, you may have short-term success, but over the long haul, you're probably going to fail. Why? Well, before we talk about that, let's ask this question: Has this worked for you before? If you've failed previously, you don't have to this time. There are some steps you can follow so that you can reach your goal and lose 10 pounds fast without having to work too hard. We'll talk about that in just a minute.

Get realistic with your weight loss goals

Most important of these is that you have to be realistic. Usually, people can lose 10 pounds in two weeks, true, but they do so in such a way that they can actually hurt their metabolisms. It's true that they may lose the weight, but they'll probably gain it back very quickly -- and gain even more. There are lots of gimmicks out there, lots of new weight loss programs that promise that you can lose 10 pounds fast, but most of them don't work. You are simply shelling out your hard-earned cash for nothing more than informational garbage.

Can you really stick to these methods? In fact, most of these regimens are so unrealistic that you can't live by them for the long-term. After awhile, you are going to get tired of the diet and your hunger (and boredom) is going to drive you to go back to the "tried-and-true," which is to eat too much and not exercise enough, if at all. So if you want to lose 10 pounds in two weeks, you need something that's easier, something that you can actually do, and something that's going to produce results.

Start a weight loss program that is doable and stick-at-able

If you've tried out fad diets before, or if you've maybe even tried popping a diet pill here and there, I have a question for you. Why aren't you still on that same diet or taking those same pills? And because you're not satisfied, you go from diet to diet to diet, thinking that "this time" is going to be the charm. You don't see any lasting results, and so you keep looking.

What you want is weight loss that's going to be long lasting; people everywhere are looking for it. If the truth be told, you've probably been successful at losing weight at least once in your life. Problem is, this shouldn't just be a "tease," or only to have the weight come right back. There's a better way to go about things, and we'll talk about that in just a minute.

Lose weight naturally

What if there was a way to lose belly fat naturally? This is real and not too good to be true. It really doesn't get any better than that. The bottom line is that we all know what it takes to lose weight. Losing a specific amount of weight in a short amount of time is going to take skill and knowledge. But not as much as you may think, these tips and tricks are easy to learn and stick to over a long period of time.

So if you want to lose 10 pounds fast, read on. You're not going to find these tips anywhere else. They're simple and easy to follow, and they work. You can lose 10 pounds in two weeks -- and keep them off, too.

by John GilbertGrant
JohnGG can help you attain your perfect weight. Take the free Weight Loss Survey and get his free report and .mp3 'The 4 Essential Factors for Weight Loss' plus Weight Loss Tips.

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