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Saturday, August 01, 2009

Power Steering Fluid - Keeping on Top of It

Driving a car with power steering and driving one without it are almost like two completely different things. Sure, both entail driving, but the difference that power steering makes to the whole process is significant.

For straight line driving, and even some cornering, you may not notice a big difference, but in tight corners and when it comes to parking your car you will find that a car with power steering will make the entire process a lot more manageable and hassle-free. Thus, if you have power steering, you will want to make sure that it is in the best condition it can be. If the steering fails in your car, you will soon know about it. It is better by far to take preventative action rather than correct the problems after they happen.

The power steering in a car relies, as much as anything, on the power steering fluid. Consider the fluid to be to your power steering what the petrol is to your engine - it may not be what does all the work, but without it the work would be absolutely impossible. You need to make sure that the fluid is at the required level, and that the fluid which is there is clean and working properly. If it fails, it can damage the whole steering system, necessitating an expensive repair which will not go unnoticed in your monthly budget. It costs very little, however, to replace depleted fluid, so it makes sense to do this approximately as frequently as you would replace your engine coolant.

You should also check and replace power steering fluid if you get a hint that it is depleted. The first hint, usually, will come as you attempt to steer your car and the steering system makes a pronounced squeaking noise. Imagine dragging a chair leg across a classroom floor and you will have an idea of the noise. Check under the bonnet for the fluid reservoir which should be clearly labelled. The fluid in there should either be amber or a pinkish red color. If it is flawed it will be a darker color, leaning towards brown or black. If it is the right color but at a low level, then you need only top it up, but if it looks the wrong color it is contaminated and needs a full change.

You can purchase a tool to drain fluid from the reservoir if it is contaminated. This is something that you really cannot leave undone, as the contaminant will ruin your steering just as surely as if you drove with no steering fluid at all. Avoiding excess effort is no excuse for driving with poorly maintained fluid - it does not take long and it costs very little. Having the power steering system repaired, however, takes at least a day in the garage and costs hundreds of dollars. Taking the time out of your day to do some preventative maintenance really is a no-brainer.

by Levi Quinn

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